A rule bar that is made up of 4 colors as an accent to the page design.

DMC’s Systems Change Advocate, Beck, smiling with a black KN95 mask on and making a peace sign with their left hand. They are a white person wearing an orange beanie, honey bear earrings, a brown and orange cardigan, and a shirt with corgis on it. Behind them, six ACCESS bus drivers stand with protest signs reading “Fighting for a FAIR contract” and “ON STRIKE AGAINST Transdev; Worker’s rights are human rights.” Several of them are making the peace sign as well and one of them is making the hand symbol for “hang loose.”Systems Change Advocacy works to bring about beneficial changes in government and the bureaucratic processes for the disability community.



Such changes include:

  • Amending public policies
  • Revising in operational procedures of government entities
  • Supporting and educating about local, state, and national legislation
  • Improving standards and regulations

Methods to make systems change possible include:

  • Conducting needs assessments and focus groups
  • Organizing the disability community for action
  • Implementing strategies such as letter-writing, e-mail, and telephone campaigns
  • Testifying at public hearings
  • Using social media as a platform
  • Meeting with legislators and public officials
  • Submitting fact sheets and recommendations for needed changes
  • Coalition building with organizations and government entities with shared goals and experiences

Beck writing in a notebook while smiling. In front of them are various books on different topics.


If you believe you have a systems change issue you would like DMC to address, please fill out the form linked here.

An image that is long like a banner that has several photographs of people doing activities.