Services for the Deaf

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Pictured Left: DMC’s Pamela and Jet standing behind a table in a booth at DeaFestival of Riverside event; Pictured Right: A circle of hands signing “I Love You in a community circle

Left: Pamela and Jet representing DMC Deaf Services at DeaFestival event in Riverside; Right: Several hands signing “I Love You” in community circle.

The purpose of the Deaf Services Program is to empower d/Deaf persons with the needed tools, skills, and support to succeed. Our services are designed to promote effective communication and integration for deaf people living in a hearing world.

Who Is Eligible to Participate in the Deaf Services Program: Any Deaf or hard of hearing individual residing in Orange County, aged 18 or older, can participate free of charge.

Referral Process: Prospective participants learn about the program through friends, community partners or Deaf community members. They can contact a Deaf Services Advocate directly or use an online referral form found below.

For more information, please call 714.621.3300 or complete the online form.

ASL Signs – Service, Support, Learn and Teach – using hands from  Vietnamese, Caucausian, Korean and Hispanic

Assistance provided in a variety of approaches includes:

Basic Computer Skills: Learn how to use email, text messaging, and other technology to communicate.

Benefits Counseling: Understand eligibility and the application process for assistance programs like Food Stamps, Social Security, and Medi-Cal.

Communication: Resources for learning to read and write in English, learning your rights and the process for requesting sign language interpreters, and support with using video phones, relay services, and other assistive technology.

Daily Living Skills: Learn to do housekeeping, laundry, shopping, and simple cooking.

Consumer assisted with daily living skills

Driver’s License Readiness: Group workshops which focus on reading and comprehending the driver education manual, understanding and passing sample versions of the written test for obtaining a driver’s license.

Housing Services: Assistance in locating affordable housing through workshops and one-on-one sessions. These services focus on understanding housing options, renter’s rights and responsibilities, and the importance of a good rental history and credit. The goal is to empower Deaf consumers to navigate their housing search, applications, and communication with housing providers to secure housing successfully.

Pictured, DMC Deaf Housing Coordinator Doryna at Deaf Nation Conference signing at booth.


Money Management: Learn to make a budget, use banking services, understand credit, and pay bills online.

Peer Support: Join a peer group for Deaf individuals in sign language. Deaf consumers come together, sharing their experience of going through a variety of obstacles as a Deaf individual. The support group is based on a topic discussion chosen by collective decision of Deaf participants themselves. Topics can be about setbacks from a systemic oppression, communication barriers and coping tools, exchanging and supporting each other to move forward.

Self-Advocacy: Learn to access deaf-friendly resources, stand up for oneself, make good decisions, and problem solve.

Social/Soft Skills: Improve interactions with hearing people, practice good hygiene, and understand social cues. Develop skills like scheduling, active listening, critical thinking, and time management.

Independent living skills training is provided until goals have been reached or the consumer is no longer interested in receiving assistance through the Dayle McIntosh Center. After a case file is closed, a consumer is given an opportunity to complete a satisfaction survey to rate the effectiveness of the Deaf Services Program.

Deaf Voters Workshop conducted by Jet at DMC

Deaf Voters Workshop conducted by Jet at DMC.

Additional Deaf Services Offered:

Quarterly Workshops: Join us for our engaging workshops that address current topics, often focusing on matters concerning the Deaf community. We’ve covered a wide range of subjects in the past, including Deaf-Friendly Vacations, understanding the voting process during elections, safeguarding against scams, maximizing Social Security benefits, and much more!

Our workshops are open to all Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals, and we encourage you to RSVP in advance to secure your spot!

DMC Deaf Fun Day with Pamela leading the presentation to group of attendees.

DMC Deaf Fun Day with Pamela leading the presentation to a group of attendees.

Deaf Sensitivity Training Program: Facilitated by our Deaf Services Team, these training sessions aim to raise community members’ awareness through education, nurturing social sensitivity and promoting adaptable behavior. This, in turn, contributes to enhanced interpersonal relationships and group dynamics within the Deaf Community. Topics covered include best practices for working with d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, Deaf Culture, audism, and how to use an interpreter.

Pictured Left: Deaf Service Advocates Pamela and Jet standing in the hallway of DMC smiling with Team DMC smiling in the background; Pictured Right: ALT-TXT – Team DMC and participants at the Deaf Fun Day Event

Pictured Left: Deaf Services Advocates Pamela and Jet standing with Team DMC; Pictured Right: Dayle McIntosh Center hosted Deaf Fun Day Event

Program Success Story  

The Deaf Services Advocate (DSA) worked with a deaf woman, who had to move to an assisted living facility after she had a stroke. She was very upset and did not understand her new surroundings. The DSA helped her to become oriented and to adapt to her new daily routine. The consumer was given a device that would cause the lamp in her room to blink whenever someone knocked on the door. In-service training was provided for the staff at the assisted living facility regarding Deaf culture and how to best interact with their new deaf resident. A group of volunteer interpreters were recruited to provide communication for the deaf woman so she could participate in exercise and recreation activities. The consumer has improved greatly by feeling more connected to others and being able to communicate in her native language of American Sign Language.

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ASL Signs – Service, Learn, Support, Success using hands from  Vietnamese, Afro-Latinix, Caucasian and Hispanic

An image that is long like a banner that has several photographs of people doing activities.