April DMC Board Meeting
Zoom MeetingJoin Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89381768588?pwd=ZEJmUlNzWWg3WGlUTEhTTVluVFE1dz09 Meeting ID: 893 8176 8588 Passcode: 862587 One tap mobile +16694449171,,89381768588#,,,,*862587# US
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89381768588?pwd=ZEJmUlNzWWg3WGlUTEhTTVluVFE1dz09 Meeting ID: 893 8176 8588 Passcode: 862587 One tap mobile +16694449171,,89381768588#,,,,*862587# US
(650) 479-3208,,25904616179##
A supportive and informative setting in which participants discuss a wide variety of topics related to vision loss. conference call information Phone: 1-669-444-9171 Meeting ID: 82629249988 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82629249988?pwd=eHFxQ205bUJhR3ZUa1B6N0JGOTdFZz09
(650) 479-3208,,25955075823##
(650) 479-3208,,25922942903##
(650) 479-3208,,25971123235##
(650) 479-3208,,25968012225##
A supportive and informative setting in which participants discuss a wide variety of topics related to vision loss. conference call information: Phone: 1-669-444-9171 Meeting ID: 86495715304# Link to meeting:... View Article
(650) 479-3208,,25997745306##
The AT Collaborative is a group of professionals and community partners who meet each month to learn and discuss a wide range of items, equipment, or programs to aid people... View Article