Event Series AT Collaborative

AT Collaborative

Zoom Meeting

The AT Collaborative is a group of professionals and community partners who meet each month to learn and discuss a wide range of items, equipment, or programs to aid people in need of mobility, visual, auditory, speech, physical, and cognitive support to name a few. The Zoom meeting or conference call information. Join Zoom Meeting... View Article

April DMC Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89381768588?pwd=ZEJmUlNzWWg3WGlUTEhTTVluVFE1dz09 Meeting ID: 893 8176 8588 Passcode: 862587 One tap mobile +16694449171,,89381768588#,,,,*862587# US

An image that is long like a banner that has several photographs of people doing activities.